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Minton House logo

a different +55 strata building

Minton  House is a +55 strata building (strata plan 3631) where seniors can buy or rent their suite from private owners.

It includes a total of 26 suites, 21 with one bedroom, 5 with two bedrooms, ranging from approximately 560 to 925 square feet.  Every suite has a full kitchen and a 3-piece bathroom with shower. 

How is it different?

  1. Minton House guarantees services

The services include

-  an evening meal

-  housekeeping

-  heavy laundry

-  medical alert system

-  front desk

-  security

They are guaranteed, since they are embedded in Minton House bylaws.


2. Minton House is not-for-profit

Unlike other places for seniors that are run by a private company, Minton House is run by owners elected as Council members, like a not-for-profit business.  Service rates reflect the true cost of the services; there are no surcharges.  

3. One strata lot belongs to the City of Victoria.                     

Strata lot 6 (a storage room) belongs to the City of Victoria. This protects the building from being taken over by a private company or a developer.



Of note, Minton House is not licensed as a nursing home or retirement home.  Seniors who are not fully independent may live there, but they have to make their own arrangements to get the care they need.                                  


Bylaws of Minton House


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Dining Room



Dining room and lounge




Patio and garden

Patio 1.jpg


location of Minton House
Beagle Pub at Cook Street Village
KLiquor store at Cook Street Village
Root Cellar at Cook Street Village

5 minutes on foot to Cook
Street Village

Cook Street Village Activity Centre for Seniors

      10 minutes on foot                              to Beacon Hill Park

Beacon Hill Park
Beacon Hill Park
Beacon Hill Park

20 minutes on foot/
5 minutes by car to Dallas road and the beach

beach at Dallas Road
Sunset at Dallas Road
Fowntown Victoria
Parliament Building in Victoria

20 minutes on foot/
5-10 minutes by car to downtown, the harbour and Parliament buildings

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